Friday, January 8, 2010

So Here's What Happened....

Tonight we had a few people over to watch the Dr Who specials "The End of Time: Part 1" & "The End of Time: Part 2". Why? Because we're nerds AND fans of the new Dr. Who starring David Tennant. Except that David Tennant left the show at the conclusion of these specials and The Doctor has regenerated into a new man. And that kinda sucks because David Tennant was the best Dr. Who ever. But at least the character is able to go through a regeneration so the show can continue smoothly and The Doctor didn't have to die. Because that's what they've been leading us to believe for the past few episodes. And then during the specials The Master returned and he was all like insane and stuff and he captured The Doctor and re-wired that strange gate thing that the one guy got from Torchwood (which Torchwood had salvaged from a wrecked alien ship). And then once the gate thing was all re-wired The Master actually jumped right into it and..... oh crap, I got totally sidetracked.

Which is the point of the whole post - to exlain why I have taken a picture of dirty dishes in my sink as the photo of the day. See, I was going to take a picture of all my friends sitting around the TV and some really cool sci-fi David Tennant scene showing on the screen so that I could always remember that tonight was the night I saw David's last episode. But I got sidetracked by preparing all the food for the party and then by actually watching the show and then by spending 20 minutes afterwords geeking out by discussing the show and then by being a proper host and saying my goodbyes as everyone left. And that's when I realized that I had never taken a picture. So why the sink full of dirty dishes? Because that sink was empty and the kitchen was clean before everyone arrived. Now it's the only proof I have that David, Jon, Ian & Zack came over and watched Dr. Who with us.


  1. What did you make to eat and what the hell is Dr. Who?? :-)

  2. I made my famous (in my house) Awesome Soup. That's what we call it because it's so awesome. I'm not sure what it's actual name should be. I guess it's closest to a Minestrone type soup, but not really.

    And Dr. Who is a television series that originated from England. It's awesome as well.

  3. Nice. You will have to make me some awesome soup somtime!
