Thursday, January 7, 2010

How NOT To Photograph Wind

Today was really windy. I mean REALLY windy. The wind chill was in the negative teens and the freshly fallen snow from last night was really being whipped around by the wind. As I was driving to work this morning I really enjoyed watching the snow blow across the road. It was so pretty, I thought about it all day long and thus became determined to try and capture it in my photo of the day. However, I have since realized that was not one of my brightest ideas. Two reasons: A.) You can't just stop in the middle of the road to take a picture of snow blowing across the pavement (for some reason other people using this road don't really appreciate you doing so). B.) After driving to an uninhabited cul de sac where reason A is no longer an issue, you have to actually stand out in the cold with your camera at the ready and wait for the wind to blow in your favor. In just a few short minutes I was unvoluntarily crying frozen tears and my fingers were throbbing inside my gloves. So, this is all you get. If you look closely in the middle of the road you can kinda see where the wind is blowing the snow across the road. It's that hazy spot. But mostly what you will see is that THIS? THIS is a photo fail.

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