Today I went to Lisa and Larry's to visit with them. After they fed me a delicious lunch of steak kabobs, Larry came up with the idea of going to Joplin. Sounded good to me, so we hopped into their car (which they neglected to tell me had no AC) and headed down I-44. Little did we know... a storm was brewing.
Dun dun dun.
I don't know why I'm being dramatic. Rest of the story is - we were at Downstream Casino, I was up $30, life was good. Then Larry got a weather alert that there was a tornado warning in the area of their house. So we cashed out and headed home. Now if you think it must have sucked to ride in a car with no AC on the interstate all the way down there, you should try coming back when it's raining so hard you can't see the road, you can't roll the windows down and every piece of glass is fogged over. THAT was a fun ride. But we made it safely, the tornado warning was cancelled with nothing happening. And when I got back to my house I was able to get a pic of some lightening.