Sunday, August 1, 2010

Mom & Dad's Front Porch

While I was at Grandma's today for Sunday lunch, Mom called to invite me down for dinner later in the evening. Woot! Two free home cooked meals in 1 day? Yes, plz. Plus I got to bring home leftover from both places. Bonus. After dinner at Mom's, we were all visiting and relaxing and I looked out the front window to notice there were like 13 hummingbirds swarming the two feeders on the front porch. So of course I have to go out to the car and grab my camera. All the birds scattered when I came outside, but when I came back I positioned myself in the corner of the porch against the wall, put my camera to my face and then didn't move. It took several minutes, but finally the birds started coming back one by one. I snapped a lot of pics, but honestly there was so much activity that this one of the single bird is the only decent ones. The rest were filled with blurs of incoming and outgoing birds. They sure do love their sugar water.

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