Thursday, February 4, 2010

My Car's First Boo Boo

Today after work I spotted my first bald eagle of the year. It was flying away from me and I didn't get a chance to take any pics but it did make me wonder if there were any more in the area. I know that in the winter the eagles head south along the waterways so I decided to take a quick trip down to Terrell Creek (about 5 miles from the house) and see if maybe I'd get to see another one.

I spent about 15 - 20 minutes down at the creek but never did find another eagle. However on the road back home I saw a huge hawk sitting on a fence on the side of the road. I briefly considered trying to stop and take a picture of it but then decided not to. Apparently the hawk had psychic abilities and must have realized I had dismissed him in my mind because it made him so mad he immediately flew straight at me. After bouncing off the front of my hood he plastered himself on my windshield for a few brief seconds and then disappeared over the roof. I never saw him hit the ground so I'm assuming he survived the assault. And thankfully so did my windshield. Unfortunately when I got home I noticed he had left a mark. I have had this car for almost 4 years and have kept it in great shape... but now it is damaged. Sigh.

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